Information about Turkey
A country of sun and history, Turkey is located where the three continents making up the old world, Asia, Africa and Europe are closest to each other and straddle the point where Europe and Asia meet.
Because of its geographical location, the mainland, Anatolia, has witnessed the mass migration of diverse peoples shaping the course of history. The home to countless civilizations, Anatolia has developed a unique synthesis of cultures, each with its own distinct identity, yet each linked to its predecessors through insoluble treads. As an ancient land and modern nation; Turkey today is both the inheritor and conservator of the common heritage of mankind.
Turkey is 814.578 sq. km in area. The European and Asian regions are separated by the İstanbul Boğazı (Bosphorus), the Sea of Marmara, and the Çanakkale Boğazı (Dardanelles). Anatolia is a high plateau rising progressively towards the east, broken up by the valleys of about 15 rivers, including the Dicle (Tigris) and the Fırat (Euphrates). There are numerous lakes such as Lake Van and are as large as inland seas. In the south, the Taurus Mountains sweep down almost to the narrow, fertile coastal plain. Turkey enjoys a variety of ranging from the temperature climate of the Black Sea region, to the continental climate of the interior, then, to the Mediterranean climate of the Aegean and Mediterranean coastal regions. The coastline touching the four seas that total border length of Turkey is 8333 km.
Turkey has been called "the cradle of civilization" and by travelling through this historic land, tourists will discover exactly what is meant by this phrase. The world’s first known settlement, a Neolithic city at Çatalhöyük, dates back to 6.500 BC. From the days of Çatalhöyük up to the present, Turkey boasts a rich culture that through the centuries has made a lasting impression on modern civilization. Being the heir to many centuries and cultures makes Turkey a paradise of information and cultural wealth. Hattis, Hittites, Phyrygains, Urartians, Lycians, Ionians, Lydians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks, and Ottomans have all made important contributions to the history of the area. Ancient sites and ruins scattered throughout the country give sufficient proof of each civilization’s unique distinction.
Turkey also has a very fascinating recent history. Upon the decline of the Ottoman Empire, a young man named Mustafa Kemal, who was a soldier and a great visionary, took the defeat of World War I and turned it into a shining victory by liberating Turkey on October 29, 1923. He led his country towards peace and stability that brought about tremendous economic growth and increasing modernization. Through decades of change and growth, Turkey still boasts growing success, living by Ataturk’s motto of "Peace at home, Peace in the World."
On the general basis, the population in Turkey is characterized by youth and dynamism. According to a 1997 population census, Turkey has 62.6 million inhabitants. Although there has been a marked migration into town, approximately 47 percent of the population still lives in the rural areas. Although the official language is Turkish, English is widely spoken in Turkey. There are many high schools and universities where the curriculum is based on English, German and French are other commonly spoken foreign languages. Istanbul, which was the capital of three empires, is Turkey’s largest city, with approximately 9.1 million inhabitants. Ankara, the capital city, has 3.69 million in habitants. The next largest cities are Izmir, Bursa, Antalya, Konya, Gaziantep and Adana.
The Turkish language belongs to the Ural - Altaic group and has an affinity with the Finno -Hungarian languages. Turkish is written in the Latin alphabet and is spoken by at least 150 million people around the world.
Political Structure
The republic of Turkey is based on a secular, democratic, pluralistic and parliamentary system. The Grand National Assembly is elected by popular vote, and the nation is governed by the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister. Turkey is a founding member of OECD, the Black Sea Economic Co-operation Organization, a member of NATO, the European Council, the Islamic Conference Association, and an associate member of the European Union.
Turkish Culture
The Anatolian culture bears the wisdom of one who has been molded by the peaceful exuberance that comes from living by the sea and also being close to the soil. Turkey, the inheritor of Anatolian culture, invites humanity to build a sustainable cultural partnership.
The civilizations and cultures that have existed in Anatolia over the centuries, the Byzantines, the Seljuks and the Ottomans, have combined to form a rich synthesis. The creativity that ranges from gastronomy to music, from philosophy to literature and fine arts, from legends to modern art, is the unique characteristic of Anatolia and Turkey.
The cultural wealth of Anatolia is a peaceful friendly song, rising towards the sky as it calls humanity to tolerance and harmony.
Turkish Cuisine
Regarded as one of the three most favorable cuisines of the world, Turkish cuisine has superiority when compared to the cuisine of France and China. Exceptional richness of the various meals, methods of cooking, arrangement of the table, service and equipments used bring the richness in a way that never fails to delight.
Did you know?
- Turkey is the only secular Muslim country in the world.
- Over two thirds of the Turkish population is under the age of 30.
- The oldest known human settlement in Turkey is Göbekli Tepe (Southeast Anatolia) (10000 BC).
- St. Paul was born in Tarsus in the in South Turkey and Christianity was first bloomed in Anatolia with the first Christian Church dedicated to St. Peter. The Greek Orthodox Church is still located in Istanbul.
- Ağrı Mountain Ararat, with a height of 5,166 meters is said to be the place where Noah's Ark landed.
- The seven churches of the Book of Revelation are all located in West Anatolia- Ephesus, Smyrna (modern Izmir ), Pergamum , Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea .
- St. Nicholas, in other words Santa Claus, was born in Patara and lived in Myra in South Turkey.
- Only in Istanbul , over 100 churches of Christianity are still active today.
- The oldest known shipwreck in the world was excavated in Kas.
- Many city names are actually originated in Anatolia such as Philadelphia, Paris, Antioch, Troy and the continental name "Europe".
- Two of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was located in Anatolia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus at Bodrum.
- The famous words "Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered) were said by Roman Emperor Caesar when he came to Anatolia in 47 BC.
- The Lycian Union's (in South Anatolia) federal system for governance with proportional representation was actually used as a model by the authors of the United States constitution in the 18th century.
- The famous Trojan War (Troy of Brad Pitt) took place in West Anatolia.
- The famous Dutch Tulip actually is originated from Turkey and was taken to Netherlands in the 16th century.
- The color of Turquoise comes from the clean see color on the Aegean Cost in Turkey.
- Kasikci diamond one of the greatest piece of diamond in the world is displayed in Topkapi Palace.
- Virgin Mary's House , near Ephesus , where she spent her last years and died in, was visited by Pope the 6th Paul and Pope Jean Paul.
- The first known University in history is in Harran, Southeast Turkey.
Source: http://www.rorschach2014.org/?p=About_Turkey
For more info, please visit About Turkey website